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Your search for investing resulted in 18 hits
In September 2024, households invested more in investment funds and equities -
Households’ deposit stock grew in the second quarter of the year -
Foreign equities have outperformed Finnish equities in the past year -
Value of households’ equity holdings decreased significantly -
Popularity of fixed income investments increased -
Investment fund capital decreased materially in 2022 -
Saving and investing -
BIS survey of FX and OTC derivatives markets -
Market value of listed Finnish equities and debt securities declined in 2022 -
Household deposits continued brisk growth, albeit slowing down from early 2021 -
2021 -
Investments made in Finnish investment funds at record level -
Half of Finnish companies’ shares under domestic ownership -
Finnish households’ deposits exceeded EUR 100 billion -
2020 -
Households’ investments in equity and equity funds grew in 2019 -
The value of bond funds has increased in 2019 -
Foreign investment funds account for larger share in employment pension schemes’ securities investments