Media enquiries
The Bank of Finland’s experts are available to answer media enquiries for information or to be interviewed. Get in touch with the Bank's Media Service and we will find the right expert to deal with your request.

Media Service
Requests for information or interviews are handled by the Bank of Finland’s Media Service Mon–Fri 9:00–16:00
- tel. +358 9 183 2101
You may also contact the following Communications staff directly:
Jenni Hellström, Head of Communications, tel. +358 9 183 2632
Iina Lario, Head of Section, tel. +358 9 183 2689
Richard Brander, Senior Communications Specialist, tel. +358 9 183 2206.
Their email addresses take the following format:
For requests which are not media enquiries please contact the Bank of Finland’s Customer Service or Registry.
Media mailing list
To join our media mailing list please contact us with your request at media[at] Everyone on the media mailing list will receive our press releases, invitations to press conferences and our latest blog posts.
Press conferences
We hold regular press conferences for media representatives in connection with the release of our principle publications during the year. Information briefings may also be held where necessary, and media representatives are invited to these as appropriate.
Press conference attendees are kindly requested to register in advance with the Bank of Finland's Communications. A link to the registration form for each conference is available under the Bank of Finland's events calendar.
Please note that a press card or equivalent and a photo ID must be presented upon arrival at the event.