The foundations of the Bank of Finland’s sustainability lie in our core activities. The Bank’s task is to contribute to ensuring price stability, the reliability of the financial system, and security and inclusion in the context of payment systems.

The Bank of Finland plays a role in building a society that is socially and ecologically sustainable. In our activities, we recognise the expectations of stakeholders and changes in the operating environment. The sustainability programme is focused on sustainable growth and the promotion of wellbeing, exercise of influence via information and cooperation, and management of climate risks.

We promote these themes by the following measures:


  • We maintain price stability.
  • We ensure financial stability.
  • We promote secure and inclusive payment systems.
  • We support the EU’s economic policies and objective of sustainable development.


  • We provide facts and research data for economic policy decision-making.
  • We participate actively in social discourse and provide balanced information.
  • We are a member of the scientific community.
  • We promote financial literacy in Finland.


  • We invest responsibly.
  • We operate in an efficient, economical and environmentally sustainable manner.
  • We recognise climate risks in the monitoring of financial stability.
  • We reduce the environmental impact of cash and currency supply.

Figure: The Bank of Finland’s sustainability field.

The Bank of Finland’s activities are guided with a view to sustainability, and the impacts of activities are assessed based on our sustainability objectives. Key sustainability indicators in the field of environmental responsibility are e.g. total emissions relative to operating expenses and commitment to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment.

The Bank of Finland caters for the wellbeing of its staff, providing opportunities for competence development and ensuring equal treatment. Key personnel indicators are reported in the Personnel Audit and Annual Report. The key HR sustainability indicators include the employee satisfaction index and the leadership index, as well as the proportion of the minority gender of superiors and the absentee rate.

Sustainability forms part of the Bank of Finland's everyday activities. The Bank's sustainability work is based on its strategy, values and sustainability programme. The Bank of Finland’s departments and processes are responsible, within their respective spheres, for the planning and implementation of the Bank's sustainability work and for the cooperation necessary to achieve this. The Bank of Finland's sustainability reporting will continue to be carried out as an integral part of its Annual Report.