Name | Affiliation | Title | Period |
Iftekhar Hasan | Fordham University | Scientific Adviser | Ongoing |
Anton Korinek | University of Virginia | Research Fellow | Ongoing |
Michael Weber | University of Chicago | Research Fellow | Ongoing |
Andrea Ferrero | University of Oxford | Research Fellow | 2020—2023 |
George Pennacchi | University of Illinois | Research Fellow | 2018—2022 |
Fabio Canova | BI Norwegian Business School, Florence School of Banking and Finance (EUI), Budapest School of Central Banking Studies | Research Fellow | 2017—2021 |
Guido Ascari | University of Oxford | Research Fellow | 2014—2018 |
Thomas Noe | University of Oxford, Saïd Business School | Research Fellow | 2014—2018 |
William Kerr | Harvard Business School | Research Fellow | 2012—2016 |
Otto Toivanen | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Research Fellow | 2012—2016 |
Timo Korkeamäki | Hanken School of Economics | Research Fellow | 2009—2013 |
Martin Ellison | University of Oxford | Research Fellow | 2009—2013 |
Matti Virén | University of Turku | Part-time academic consultant | Ongoing |
Antti Ripatti | University of Helsinki | Part-time academic consultant | 2012—2021 |
Marlène Isoré | University of Helsinki | Part-time academic consultant | 2016—2018 |