HelsinkiLisää kalenteriin
Bank of Finland and CEPR Joint Conference on Back to Basics and Beyond: New Insights for Monetary Policy Normalisation
In addition to contributed papers, the program will feature presentations by invited speakers Olivier Coibion (University of Texas at Austin), Ester Faia (Goethe University Frankfurt and CEPR), Christopher Roth (University of Cologne and CEPR), and Vincent Sterk (UCL and CEPR).
The economic environment for monetary policy has been in a state of flux for an extended period of time. Years of low inflation and low policy interest rates were followed by the recent episode of high inflation and vulnerable growth. Both policy makers and researchers may need to revisit their understanding of monetary policy in normal times while providing innovative insights that did not exist in research or policy making before the 2008-2009 financial crisis. For instance, we might consider new ideas such as heterogeneous subjective models of the macroeconomy and how households and firms react to policy based on those subjective models as opposed to our standard representative-agent models. We could also explore if wage-price spirals are still a concern in today’s liberalized labour markets where workers and unions have less negotiation power than they did in the high-inflation era of the 1970s-1980s, when the "basics" of monetary policy in research and central banking were defined. The conference will bring together top researchers from academia, central banks, and other policy institutions to present research findings related to monetary economics. More broadly speaking, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy Transmission
- Monetary Policy Facing a Mix of Demand and Supply Shocks
- Monetary Policy and the Labour Market
- Expectations and Inflation Dynamics
- Monetary Policy Normalization and Large Central Bank Balance Sheets
- Monetary Policy Strategies for the Future
- Monetary-Fiscal Nexus and High Sovereign Debt
- Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
Read more here.