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Hakunne research seminar tuotti 93 osumaa
Christopher Gibbs (University of Sydney) - Optimal Monetary Policy when Expectations are Rational, Fixed, Learned, or Anything in Between -
Albert Queralto - Uncertainty Shocks, Global Banks, and Foreign Currency Arbitrage -
Michael Ehrmann (ECB) - The Effect of Monetary Policy on Inflation Heterogeneity Along the Income Distribution -
Roberto Chang (Rutgers University) - Should Central Banks Have an Inequality Objective? -
Raoul Minetti (Michigan State University) - Banking Complexity in the Global Economy -
Renato Faccini (Danmarks Nationalbank) - Beyond the Phillips curve trade-off: How to decrease inflation while increasing aggregate demand -
Sebastian Schmidt (ECB) - Monetary-fiscal policy interactions with endogenous regime shifts -
Jean-Paul Renne (University of Lausanne) - Fiscal Fatigue, Fiscal Limits and Sovereign Credit Spreads -
Francis Warnock (University of Virginia) - Preferred Habitats and Timing in the World’s Safe Asset -
Andrew Foerster (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) - Estimating Macroeconomic Models of Financial Crises: An Endogenous Regime-Switching Approach -
Søren Hove Ravn (University of Copenhagen) - The Transmission of Foreign Demand Shocks -
Sanjay Singh (University of California, Davis) - The financial origins of non-fundamental risk -
Ryan Kim (Johns Hopkins University) - Demonetization and Firm Exports -
Matti Sarvimäki - Exposure(s) to Trade and Earnings Dynamics: Evidence from the Collapse of Finnish-Soviet Trade -
Lena Dräger - Inflation Literacy, Inflation Expectations, and Trust in the Central Bank: A Survey Experiment -
Christian Siegel (University of Kent) - Routine-biased technical change, structure of employment, and cross-country income differences -
Research Seminar - Xiang Li - Twin Instabilities: Evidence from German Banks -
Board Member Tuomas Välimäki: Monetary economics and reality: how the monetary policy strategy review relates to IQ, reggae and throwing Frisbee -
Sari Kerr (Wellesley College): House Prices, Home Equity and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from U.S. Census Micro Data -
Giovanni Caggiano (Monash University): Global Uncertainty -
Caterina Mendicino (ECB): Bank Risk Taking and Twin Defaults -
Manuel M. F. Martins (Cef.up and Faculty of Economics, University of Porto): The Phillips Curve at 60: time for time -frequency -
George Pennacchi (University of Illinois): How Should Governments Create Liquidity? -
Günter Coenen (ECB): The New Area Wide Model II: an extended version of the ECB’s micro-founded model for forecasting and policy analysis with a financial sector -
Delong Li (University of Guelph): Investment Regressions with Mismeasured Q, Endogenous Regressors, and Nonlinearities -
Razvan Vlahu (De Nederlandsche Bank): Bank instability: Interbank linkages and the role of disclosure -
Patrick Crowley (Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi): U.S. Macroeconomic Policy Evaluation in an Open Economy Context using Wavelet Decomposed Optimal Control Methods -
Laura Coroneo (University of York): European Spreads at the Interest Rate Lower Bound -
Tommaso Monacelli (Università Bocconi, IGIER and CEPR): Real Interest Rates and Productivity in Small Open Economies -
Kai Li (UBC Sauder): Public Enforcement of Securities Laws in Weak Institutional Environments: Evidence from China -
Andrea Ferrero (University of Oxford): Demographics and Real Interest Rates Across Countries and Over Time -
Alexander Meyer-Gohde (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt and Institute for Monetary): (Un)expected Monetary Policy Shocks and Term Premia -
Òscar Jordà (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco): The Rate of Return on Everything, 1870–2015 -
Gaetano Gaballo (Banque de France & Paris School of Economics): Learning from Prices: Amplification and Business Fluctuations -
Seonghoon Cho (Yonsei University): Determinacy and Classification of Markov-Switching Rational Expectations Models -
Christopher Gibbs (University of Sydney): Optimal Policy under Learning at the Zero Lower Bound -
Andrey Ermolov (Fordham University): Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Macro Risks -
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (UC Berkeley): The Economics of Sovereign Debt, Bailouts and the Eurozone Crisis -
Dirk Krueger (University of Pennsylvania): Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession -
Mark Weder (University of Adelaide): Animal Spirits, Financial Markets and Aggregate Instability -
Kevin Lansing (FRB San Francisco): Examining the Sources of Excess Return Predictability: Stochastic Volatility or Market Inefficiency? -
Milo Bianchi (Toulouse School of Economics): Agency Costs and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Finland -
George Pennacchi (University of Illinois): Are Contingent Convertibles Going-Concern Capital? -
Timo Korkeamäki (Hanken School of Economics): CEO Mobility and Corporate Policy Risk -
Michael Gordy (Federal Reserve Board): Spectral Backtests of Forecast Distributions with Applications to Risk Management -
Mauro Gallegati (Universita Politecnica delle Marche): Liaisons dangereuses between firms and banks -
Marco Gallegati (Universita Politecnica delle Marche): Should we ignore monetary targeting? International historical evidence on high money and inflation episodes in developed countries -
Silvia Miranda-Agrippino (Bank of England): The Transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks -
Francesco D'Acunto (University of Maryland): Human frictions to the transmission of economic policy -
Henri Nyberg (University of Turku): Semiparametric selection and optimal weighting of leading economic indicators -
Fabio Canova (BI Norwegian Business School, Florence School of Banking and Finance (EUI), Budapest School of Central Banking Studies and Research Fellow at the Bank of Finland): Detecting and analyzing the effects of time-varying parameters in DSGE models -
Alberto Martin (CREI): Collateral booms and information depletion -
Christiane Baumeister (University of Notre Dame): Inference in SVARs when the identifying assumptions are not fully believed: Re-evaluating the role of monetary policy in economic fluctuations -
Xuguang Sheng (American University): Expectation formation following large unexpected shocks -
Saroj Bhattarai (University of Texas at Austin) - Some Unpleasant Central Bank Balance Sheet Arithmetic -
Marco del Negro (FRB New York): DSGE forecasts of the lost recovery -
Vittoria Cerasi (Bicocca University) - How post-crisis regulation has affected bank CEO compensation -
Emiliano Santoro (University of Copenhagen) - Inflation dynamics and price flexibility in the UK -
Kalin Nikolov (ECB research): Bank Capital in the Short and in the Long Run -
Jonathan Benchimol (Bank of Israel): Optimal monetary policy under bounded rationality -
Stefano Gnocchi (Bank of Canada): Downward nominal wage rigidity meets the zero lowerbound -
Alessandro Rebucci (Johns Hopkins Carey Business School): Uncertainty and economic activity: A multi-country perspective -
Michal Andrle (IMF): Forecasting and policy analysis with trend-cycle VARs -
Kurt Mitman (IIES Stockholm): The fiscal multiplier -
Jussi Keppo (National University Singapore): Investment decisions and falling cost of data analytics -
Seminar on Safe Assets, Sovereign Debt and Financial Stability -
Matthijs Lof (Aalto University School of Business): Asymmetric information and the distribution of trading volume -
Fabio Canova (BI Norwegian Business School): Dealing with misspecification in macroeconometrics -
Haaron Mumtaz (Queen Mary University of London): The Federal Reserve’s implicit inflation target and macroeconomic dynamics: a SVAR analysis -
Markus Sihvonen (Aalto University School of Business): Bonds, currencies and expectational errors -
Oreste Tristani (European Central Bank): Monetary policy and long-term interest rates -
Galip Kemal Ozhan (University of St. Andrews): Financial intermediation, resource allocation, and macroeconomic interdependence -
Yulin Liu (ETH Zurich): Macroprudential policy in the New Keynesian world -
Raf Wouters (National Bank of Belgium): Adaptive learning and survey expectations of inflation -
Gaetano Gaballo (Banque de France): Forward guidance and heterogeneous beliefs -
Vladimir Ivanov (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission): U.S. exchange upgrades: Reducing uncertainty through a two-stage IPO -
Adam Golinski (University of York): Monetary policy at the zero lower bound: Information in the Federal Reserve's balance sheet -
Söhnke Bartram (Warwick Business School): Global market inefficiencies -
Jukka Sihvonen (University of Vaasa): Evaluating publications across business disciplines -
Andrés Fernández (Inter-American Development Bank): Commodities prices and the macroeconomy -
Michael Weber (Chicago Booth): Monetary policy and the stock market: time series evidence -
Thomas Noe (Said Business School): Turning up the heat: The demoralizing effect of increased competition on risk taking and effort in contests -
Oliver De Groot (University of St. Andrews): Global vs. local methods in the analysis of open-economy models with incomplete markets -
Fabrice Collard (University of Bern): Public debt as private liquidity: optimal policy -
Alberto Martin (UPF/CREI): Monetary policy for a bubbly world -
Yishay Yafeh (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Incentive fees and competition in pension funds: Evidence from a regulatory experiment -
Mirko Wiederholt (Goethe University Frankfurt): Empirical properties of inflation expectations and the zero lower bound -
Fabio Canova (European University Institute/BI Norwegian Business School): Mending the broken link: Heterogeneous bank lending and monetary policy pass-through -
Elias Rantapuska (Aalto University): Savvy parent, savvy child? Intergenerational correlations in returns to financial wealth -
Michael Kumhof (Bank of England): Banks are not intermediaries of loanable funds – and why this matters -
Suvi Vasama (Humboldt University of Berlin): On moral hazard with persistent private information -
Francisco Ruge-Murcia (McGill University): Extreme events and optimal monetary policy -
Matthias Kehrig (University of Mannheim): Do firms mitigate or magnify capital misallocation? Evidence from plant-level data