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    Bank of Finland, Rauhankatu 19 B, Helsinki

Laura Solanko (BOFIT) and Jukka Sihvonen (Aalto University): Russia and sanctions. Observations from annual reports of European firms

Co-author: Denis Davydov (University of Vaasa)

This paper explores the annual reports of 5,877 large firms to assess the vigilance of the European business sector to international sanctions. Using the recent case of sanctions against and by Russia, we perform an extensive textual analysis on 16,000 annual reports from 30 countries over the period 2014-2018.”

BOFIT seminars are open to all researchers interested in the subjects covered. Those wishing to attend a seminar are kindly asked to register in advance, by email bofit(at)bof.fi or tel. +358 9 183 2268.

Seminars take place, as a rule, on Tuesdays, starting at 10.30 a.m. Visitors are escorted to the seminar room from the Rauhankatu 19 B (Library) entrance.